Area 2016 vs. 2017 perspective Key drivers Mining
(+/-) Coal price stabilisation
(+) Construction of new roadways
(+) Assets modernisation
(+) Constant enhancement of efficiency
Conventional power engineering
(-) Lower price of energy
(-) Lower limit of free CO2
(-) Higher price of coal
(-) Lower generation of electricity
(+) Internal processes optimization
Renewable energy sources
(-) Durable low level of "green" Proprietary Interests
(+) Growth in price and volume of “blue” RES Proprietary Interests
(+) Greater generation of electricity
(+) Cost optimisation of the RES area
(-) Drop of WACC by 0.042 p.p. to 5.633%
(-) Model operating expenses compliant with "Operating expenses for Operators of Distribution Systems for 2016-2020" published by ERO
(+) Asset management optimisation and outsourced services rationalisation
(+) Works over the improvement of service quality (SAIDI and SAIFI indices reduction)
(-) Greater competition in the area of trade
(+) Development of sale channels and product range
(-) Growing erosion of margin on the segment of trade
The Enea Group is dynamically developing and taking advantage of the emerging market opportunities