24. Trade and other liabilities

Non-current trade and other liabilities    
Liabilities due to purchase of licenses for geological information and concessions 40 291 14 935
Other 8 082 1 592
Non-current trade and other liabilities 48 373  16 527
Current trade and other liabilities    
Trade liabilities 483 582 346 662
Advance payments received for deliveries, works and services 4 036 615
Tax and similar liabilities (excluding income tax) 199 857 196 103
Liabilities due to the purchase of tangible and intangible fixed assets 274 077 492 418
Dividend liabilities 23 23
Special funds 576 518
Liabilities due to put options for purchase of shares in subsidiaries 25 652 45 883
Other 153 797 141 098
Current trade and other liabilities 1 141 600  1 223 320 
Total  1 189 973 1 239 847