44. Future payments due to the right of perpetual usufruct acquired for a consideration and free of charge as well as lease, rental and operating lease agreements

The future liabilities arising from the right of perpetual usufruct (estimated based on 2016 fees) apply to the remaining term of agreements for the use of land (40-99 years).

Up to 1 year 5 418 5 621
1 – 5 years 21 676 23 666
Over 5 years 370 914 387 860
  398 008 417 147 

Future liabilities arising from lease, rental and operating lease agreements:

Up to 1 year 20 402 17 850
1 – 5 years 43 300 17 354
Over 5 years 33 917 25 089
  97 619 60 293 

Perpetual usufruct, lease and rental expenses incurred in period:

Perpetual usufruct of land   5 621 4 912
Lease, rental and operating lease agreements   17 850 11 491

Operating lease payments recognized in expenses

Minimum lease payments (8 275) (11 491)
(8 275) (11 491)