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Enea Group CSR Report 2016
Past reports
Annual Report 2015
Annual Report 2014
CSR Report 2015
CSR Report 2014
CSR Report 2013
CSR Report 2012
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Capital Group
Key events in 2016
Enea Group in numbers
Letter of the President of the Management Board
Group's structure
Changes in the structure of the Capital Group
Concluded agreements
Market and regulatory environment
Sector description
Market situation
Key events that may affect future results
Risk management
Natural environment
CSR and sponsorship
Financial Data
Key operating figures and ratios
Selected consolidated financial data
Presentation of the financial standing
Consolidated Profit and Loss Statement - 2016
Results on individual areas of operations of Enea CG
Assets - structure of assets and liabilities of Enea CG
Enea CG’s cash position
Enea CG’s ratio analysis
Financial results – additional information
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity:
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
1. General information
2. Statement of compliance
3. Material estimates and assumptions
4. Composition of the Group - list of subsidiaries and jointly controlled entities
5. Segment reporting
6. Impairment test (property, plant and equipment)
7. Property, plant and equipment
8. Perpetual usufruct of land
9. Intangible assets
10. Goodwill
11. Investment property
12. Investments in subsidiaries and jointly controlled entities
13. Non-controlling interests
14. Non-current assets held for sale
15. Financial assets
16. Trade and other receivables
17. Encumbrances and collaterals established on the Group’s assets
18. CO₂ emission rights
19. Inventories
20. Certificates of energy origin
21. Cash and cash equivalents
22. Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss
23. Equity
24. Trade and other liabilities
25. Loans, borrowings and debt securities
26. Deferred income due to subsidies, connection fees and other
27. Financial instruments
28. Finance lease liabilities
29. Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss
30. Deferred income tax
31. Liabilities due to employee benefits
32. Provisions for liabilities and other charges
33. Net sales revenue
34. Costs by type
35. Costs of employee benefits
36. Other operating revenue and expenses
37. Financial revenue
38. Financial expenses
39. Income tax
40. Dividend
41. Earnings per share
42. Related party transactions
43.Concession arrangements on the provision on public services
44.Future payments due to the right of perpetual usufruct acquired for a consideration and free of charge as well as lease, rental and operating lease agreements
45. Future liabilities under contracts concluded as at the end of the reporting period
47. Contingent liabilities and proceedings before courts, arbitration or public administration bodies
48. The participation on the construction of the atomic power plant programme
49. Aquistion of shares in Polimex–Mostostal S.A.
50. Acquisition of shares of ENGIE Energia Polska S.A.
51. Concluding the Investment Agreement with Energa S.A. and Elektrownia Ostrołęka S.A. on the construction and operation of a power unit in Ostrołęka Power Plant
52. Signing the letter of intent on the preliminary interest in financial involvement in Katowicki Holding Weglowy S.A.
53.Initial offer for acquisition of EDF’s assets in Poland
54. Agreement for the purchase of the company Eco-Power Sp. z o.o.
55. Description of key accounting principles
Enea Capital Group’s Development Strategy until 2030
Enea CG’s ratios as a result of the Strategy implementation
Basic investment fund
Implemented activities and investments
Investments implemented in 2016
Investments planned in 2017 within the currently held assets
Status of works on the key investment projects
New power unit nr 11
Activities realised in 2016
Activities to be realised in 2017
Growth perspectives in 2017
Capital expenditures
Shareholding structure
Personal composition of Enea SA's Management Board
Personal composition of Enea SA' Supervisory Board
Changes in the composition of the Management Board of Enea SA
Committees' personal composition
Principles of appointment and description of powers delegated to authorities of the parent company
Remuneration policy for Members of the Supervisory Board in Enea SA
Level of remuneration
List of shares and allotment certificates to shares of Enea SA
Declaration of the application of corporate governance rules
General Meeting of Shareholders