Changes in the structure of the Capital Group

Asset restructuring

After performing, in previous years, key organisational changes, in 2016 Enea Capital Group, apart from the operations related to the planned changes, did not conduct any significant activities within assets restructuring.

Changes in the Group's organisation

In 2016, Enea Group continued the activities directed at the implementation of Enea Capital Group’s Corporate Strategy and then the implementation of the updated Enea Capital Group’s Development Strategy until 2030. The following actions were in particular undertaken:

  • On 19 October 2016 ElectroMobility Poland SA was incorporated, in which Enea has a 25% shareholding. On 7 December 2016 the Company was registered with the National Court Register.
  • In 2016 LW Bogdanka was covered with the new corporate governance regulations, homogeneous for all Enea Group Companies, as regards the selected Committees of Enea Group.

Equity investments

Other activity 11 March 2016 Enea Centrum Raising the share capital by PLN 502,500 and subscription for all new shares in the amount of 5,025 by Enea SA which paid for them in whole with a contribution in kind being SAP Business Objects Planning and Consolidation (SAP BPC) constituting an element of fixed assets of Enea SA. On 11 March 2016, the National Court Register entered the raised share capital into the register.
Generation 13 July 2016 Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej Zachód Enea Wytwarzanie in order to arrange the capital structure purchased 1 share from Enea Logistyka in PEC Zachód and thus became the sole shareholder of this Company.
Generation 16 December 2016 Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej Enea Wytwarzanie, in order to arrange the capital structure based on the concluded agreements on sale of shares in MPEC sp. z o.o. (with employees) increased its share in the Company’s share capital by 97,024 shares, i.e. from 83.363% to 91.019%.
Generation 21 December 2016 Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej Raising of the share capital by PLN 1,400,000. Currently, the Company’s share capital amounts to PLN 6,582,500. Enea Wytwarzanie was obliged to perform the above mentioned raising due to the provisions of the Sales Agreement of Shares in PEC sp. z o.o. of 11 December 2008.
Other activity 21 December 2016 PGE EJ 1 The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of PGE EJ1 sp. z o.o. adopted a resolution relating to the raising of the Company’s share capital by PLN 34,999,020. On 23 December 2016 Enea SA made a statement on the subscription for 24,822 shares of the total nominal value of PLN 3,499,902 and paying for them in cash. On 27 December 2016 the cash contribution was made to the company’s account. On 15 February 2017 the National Court Register entered the raised share capital to the register.
Generation 23 December 2016 Enea SA Conclusion with ENGIE International Holdings BV of a conditional agreement for the acquisition of 100% shares in ENGIE Energia Polska SA (the owner of Połaniec Power Plant), according to which Enea SA will acquire 100% of shares in the share capital of ENGIE Energia Polska SA, and indirectly also 100% of shares in ENGIE Bioenergia sp. z o.o.

Equity holdings after the end of the reporting period

Generation 18 January 2017 Enea SA Enea SA concluded an investment agreement with Energa SA, PGE Polska Grupa Eneretyczna SA, PGNiG Technologie SA (Investors) and Polimex-Mostostal SA as a result of which the Investors subscribed for the total of 150 mln, i.e. 37.5 mln each, shares in Polimex-Mostostal SA as part of raising the share capital, which constitutes the total of 65.9% shares (according to the shareholding structure).
Generation 20 January 2017 Polimex-Mostostal As a result of satisfaction of the conditions precedent reserved in the investment agreement, Enea SA repurchased 15 mln shares totalling to PLN 5,640,000 from SPV Operator in the company Polimex-Mostostal SA, becoming its shareholder holding a 1.73% share in the share capital.
Generation 1 February 2017 Elektrownia Ostrołęka Enea SA and Energa SA concluded an agreement on the acquisition of 24,980,926 shares in Elektrownia Ostrołęka SA, holding thus 11.89% of shares in the company’s share capital.
Generation 21 February 2017 Polimex-Mostostal The National Court Register registered the raised share capital of the Company, as a result of which Enea SA, following the satisfaction of conditions precedent reserved in the investment agreement, subscribed for 37.5 mln shares in Polimex-Mostostal SA and holds a total of 16.47% shares in the Company’s share capital.


In 2016, one equity disinvestment was made.

Other activity 2 December 2016 Szpital Uzdrowiskowy ENERGETYK Sales