Enea Group’s Corporate social responsibility in 2016 was concentrated on the implementation of the following actions:
"Energy market modelling"competition
In 2016 an Enea Group company, Enea Trading, prepared two editions of the "Energy Market Modelling" competition for students of economic, econometric an energy-related majors.
The awards in the completion included cash and a chance of being employed in Enea Trading.
The goal of the competition, sponsored by the Ministry of Energy, was:
- building the Polish intellectual potential
- popularisation of the energy market operation issues
- obtaining well-prepared personnel with the ability of facing the challenges of a trading company
- promoting knowledge on the energy market
- developing the cooperation between higher education and business
During the competition consultations were opened for students enabling getting familiar with the nature of the energy sector in Poland and the work of an analyst in this field. Participants could attend meetings, tele- and video-conferences with Enea Group’s employees.
Educational campaign: "We care for your safety. You take care too!"
In 2016, an Enea Grouop company, Enea Operator, implemented an educational campaign "We care for your safety. You take care too!" with the aim to pay attention to the fact that even though power grid is safe, since the care for it is Enea’s priority, everyone, including children as well, must take care themselves for their own safety.
The most frequent cause for accidents, deaths or electric shocks, is carelessness, lack of imagination, irresponsible behaviours close to the energy infrastructure or simply ignorance.
The goal of the campaign is promoting safe behaviours close to the elements of the power grid. The campaign is addressed to everybody: children, adolescents and adults, since everyone passes by poles every day, or energy stations or power cabinets. The Partners of the campaign include the Police, Fire Brigade or Polish Power Transmission and Distribution Association.
Enea Operator owns over 121 thou. km distribution lines with connections, 38 thou. transformer and switching stations and other power equipment in the region of north-western Poland which are being successively modernised. However, even the safest equipment will not eliminate various types of accidents if people close to them do not behave responsibly.
Four animated educational spots were developed for the needs of the campaign, along with competitions for students, demonstrations and classes devoted to safety which were conducted by firemen, rescuers and Enea’s volunteers.
Osprey protection
An osprey is currently one of the most endangered species of accipitriformes in Poland which is under a strict protection. It is estimated that barely 30 pairs are nesting in Poland, and in Lubuskie province their number in 2016 reached the level of only 3 nesting pairs.
In their natural habitat ospreys prefer nests e.g. on various types of energy pole structures. In order to create a greater number of habitats for them a decision was made to use the electricity infrastructure installing artificial platforms on the poles.
In 2016 an agreement was concluded between Enea Operator and the Regional Environmental Protection Directorate in Gorzów Wielkopolski in order to undertake joint actions relating to the active protection of an osprey and enable the restoration of its stable population.
Cumulatively, within the cooperation six nesting platforms of that type were installed on high-voltage poles in specially selected locations, on a collaborative borders of the Lubuskie province.
Enea Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility Report for 2015
The development of the already fifth "Enea Group’s sustainable development report for 2015", and the fourth in the on-line version, is a consequence of the undertaken commitment, and also a sign of transparency in communicating non-financial data, strategic goals and their translation into the actions undertaken by the Group companies and initiatives and their economic, social and environmental impacts.
CSR coordinators in the Group companies and numerous employees responsible for core areas took part in works over the CSR report for 2015 which lasted until June 2016. CSR report was prepared, similarly as the previous ones, in the on-line version pursuant to the international reporting standard, GRI G4, on the level of "Core" application.
The process of reporting was conducted in accordance with the four GRI G4 standard principles: taking4 into consideration stakeholders, materiality, sustainability context and completeness.
The goal of reporting corporate social responsibility is increasing the transparency of communicating non-financial data (ESG) and their economic, social and environmental results.
Enea Sports Academy
For several years now, Enea Sports Academy project has been conducted in Enea Group with the aim of promoting a healthy and active lifestyle among children and young people. Enea Group focuses on the development of projects from within the area of corporate social responsibility, with the task of financially supporting the training for children and young people.
Enea Sports Academy project actively supports the development of disciplines on the amateur and school level. The project includes schools and sport clubs from the area of distribution - Wielkopolskie, Lubuskie and Zachodniopomorskie provinces. In 2016 over 2,500 children availed themselves of out-of-school sports classes and took part in the competitions organised as part of the project.
Gifts and gratuities policy in Enea Group
Enea Group wishes to take a particular care for the transparency and for an optimum, responsible management of financial resources and elimination of the occurrence of a potential conflict of interests and situations where the award and acceptance of gifts may have an improper impact on the cooperation or may undermine the trust in business decisions. Gifts, although are a sign of hospitality in business and a customary courteous gesture aiming at building relations between partners, they may hinder keeping an objective attitude towards the person, company or institution handing a gift.
Thus, a new regulation was introduced in Enea Group "Gifts and gratuities policy in Enea Group", which:
- is binding for all Enea Group employees, including people employed under managerial contracts and Enea’s partners establishing indirect sales network and joint-venture companies in situations in which they represent Enea Group
- specifies the principles should direct Enea Group employees when handing or accepting gifts
- resulted in the necessity of maintaining a Gift Register being the list of accepted and handed gifts above the predefined amount
- standardised and normalised sensitive issue on Enea Group’s level
The development and reporting requirement on potential gifts handed and accepted by the Group’s employees above the specified amount resulted in the fact that a wider context of courteous gestures and the market price of gifts began to be analysed.
Enea Fundacja
Education, health protection and cultural support are the core areas which in 2016 were supported by Enea Foundation.
In 2016 251 motions were considered. 41 donation agreements were concluded, of which:
- 41% of the concluded agreements related to educational projects support
- 24% of the concluded agreements related to health projects support
- 21% of the concluded agreements related to cultural projects support
The beneficiaries included the entities performing socially useful activities and Enea Group’s employees who found themselves in a life or health-threatening situations.
Corporate volunteering
The corporate volunteering programme has been operated in the Group since 2011. In 2016 the Group’s employees conducted educational activities in the areas of first aid - "First aid - pre-medical rescue" and a lesson for the youngest - "Power-not so scary".
As part of campaign volunteering the volunteers implemented the following projects:
- “Great Power Parcel for Easter” - sweets, stationery and toys for children from educational care facilities located on the area of our Group’s operations were collected in all the Group’s companies. Gifts were given to children’s homes, environmental day rooms, single mother’s homes. Around 300 children in 11 facilities received the gifts.
- "A School Bag Full of Smiles" - a campaign organised by Caritas, during which school supplies were collected which at the beginning of September went to children from poor families. Employees of the whole Group joined the action. The collected supplies filled in 70 school bags.
- "Twist, bring, help" - the Group’s employees collect plastic caps from packaging to hand them over for a good cause. Volunteers collect caps for the whole year. The gathered kilograms are regularly handed over to Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Osobom Niepełnosprawnym "Wspólna Droga" (Association for Helping Disabled People) in Luboń near Poznań. Thanks to the volunteers’ help the renovation of the Occupational Therapy Workshops centre was co-funded.
- "Poland Business Run" - is the biggest charity run in Poland which helps fulfil dreams of people after amputations. In 2016 Enea guaranteed a start to eager employees in our organisation. 13 five-person teams took part in the run. All the means obtained due to starting fees were allocated to the charges of Jasiek Mela’s Horyzonty Association.
In 2016 Enea Group volunteers worked socially361 hoursfor the account of almost 8,114 beneficiaries
Corporate responsibility report of LW Bogdanka CG for 2015
The Integrated Report of LW Bogdanka CG published in June for 2015 was given the Main Award in the jubilee, 10th competition of Social Reports, organised by Responsible Business Forum and Deloitte and Minister’s of Development Award handed within the same competition. The report joins both financial results and non-financial data.
Supply chain audit
In February 2016 LW Bogdanka successfully underwent an audit of the supplier's chain performed by one of the recipients. At the same time, continuously working on the improvement of knowledge propagating methods among employees, the following guidelines were enforced in the Company:
- mode and method of organising trainings
- surveys and propagating knowledge on the observance and spreading of the rules of the code of conduct and preventing malpractice
Social responsibility, good employment conditions, caring for the development of managerial staff’s competences or Ethical Code in force in the Company are one of the factors due to which LW Bogdanka received the title of "TOP Employer in Eastern Europe".
Corporate volunteering in LW Bogdanka
As corporate volunteering LW Bogdanka realised the following initiatives in 2016:
- Great Power of Helping - collection of Easter gifts for the needs of the Juvenile Shelter (SDN) in Dominów near Lublin
- School bag full of smiles - preparation of several dozen school starter kits with school accessories for pupils deriving from the poorest families in the Lubelskie province
- Charitable waste paper collection - funds coming from the sale of the waste paper collected by the employees went to "Vault of Good Education" (scholarship fund for talented youth from Lublin)
- Noble Box - one internal and several division collections were conducted within the project. We helped families from the Lubuskie province.
The regular fund-raising actions were also continued:
- "Positively stoked" campaign - collection of caps for children and young people of Lublin Hospice under the name of Small Prince
- Gold Rush - collection of low-denomination coins lingering in the wallet - 1, 2 or 5 grosz, which are transferred to the Lublin branch of Polish Red Cross
Relations with local community
Local community support
LW Bogdanka supports local social initiatives with the goal of developing the areas of culture, science, education, health, developing the municipal infrastructure and securing other needs of the local community. The Company took care for the enhancement of security for employees and all the citizens in the region, e.g. via the co-funding of the acquisition of rescue and fire vehicle for the OTS unit neighbouring with LW Bogdanka and a specialist device for testing hearing for a hospital in Łęczna. These was e.g. for such actions in June 2016 that the Company was honoured with the Angel of Goodness by WTZ centre supported by it within PSOUU Łęczna.
Intersectoral Agreement for life and health
In March 2016, LW Bogdanka, Fundacja Solidarni Górnicy and Regional Center of Blood Donation and Treatment in Lublin agreed upon the scope of joint actions for 2016, including blood donation campaigns and meetings propagating knowledge in this area among employees. In order to widen the knowledge on blood and bone marrow donation meetings were held of representatives of the Regional Center of Blood Donation and Treatment in Lublin with LW Bogdanka’s managerial staff and also blood donation campaigns organised in the partnership.
Other initiatives
Mine close to the nature
As the founder and co-organiser (with OTOP) of Nadrybie Educational Path, LW Bogdanka is planning to continue the extension of this infrastructure. In January 2016, a meeting was held with representatives of Parczew Forest District who shared their knowledge on the preparation and use of educational paths on naturally valuable areas.
The previous efforts and works over the Educational Path were appreciated in the 19th edition of the contest for the title of the Benefactor of the year in which LW Bogdanka won.
Education in C-Zone (multimedia exhibition presenting the history of Bogdanka and Lublin Coal Basin) - LW Bogdanka willingly shares its history, tradition and achievements with children and young people, via organisation of meetings with employees, who in specially designed multimedia rooms, familiarise them with the mining issues.