30. Deferred income tax

Changes in deferred tax liability (considering the net-off of assets and liability at the Group level) are as follows:

 Book value 31.12.2016Book value 31.12.2015
Deferred tax asset 1 190 280 1 103 836
Set off of deferred tax assets and liabilities (787 023) (487 041)
Deferred tax asset disclosed in the statement of financial position  403 257  616 795 
Deferred tax liability 978 821 875 158
Set off of deffered tax assets and liabilities (787 023) (487 041)
Deferred tax liability disclosed in the statement of financial position  191 798  388 117 

In 2016, the Group compensated the temporary differences (impairment loss on non-financial fixed assets), which resulted in decrease of value of the deffered tax asset and liability, but did not influence the net value of the deferred tax assets.

Changes in the deferred tax asset and liability during the financial year (prior to their set off):

Deferred tax assets:

 Liabilities due to employee benefitsDeferred income from connection feesProvision for the costs of redemption of certificates of originGrantsProvision for disposal, land reclamation and purchase of CO2 emissions rightsExpenses deductible from taxable base after the end of the settlement periodValuation of tangible and intangible assets at fair valueImpairment loss on non-financial non-current assets*OtherTotal
Opening balance 159 977  88 540  30 704  16 587  28 906  80 779  -  7 410  118 562  531 465 
Acquisition of subsidiaries 60 143 - - - 1 090 - 130 553 5 156 7 115 204 057
Amount recognized in the profit or loss (8 673) (3 110) 15 284 (1 063) 17 147 3 773 - 288 127 63 426 374 911
Change recognized in other comprehensive income (7 307) - - - - - - - 710 (6 597)
Balance as at 31 December 2015 - 19% rate  204 140  85 430  45 988  15 524  47 143  84 552  130 553  300 693  189 813  1 103 836 
Opening balance 204 140  85 430  45 988  15 524  47 143  84 552  130 553  300 693  189 813  1 103 836 
Amount recognized in the profit or loss 7 037 (3 111) 4 984 (1 044) 13 782 25 039 - 12 314 35 382 94 383
Change recognized in other comprehensive income (951) - - - - 24 - - (7 012) (7 939)
Balance as at 31 December 2016 - 19% rate  210 226  82 319  50 972  14 480  60 925  109 615  130 553  313 007  218 183  1 190 280 

* Including property, plant and equipment, goodwill, other intangible assets and perpetual usufruct of land


Deferred tax provisions:

 Income taxable after the end of the accounting periodAccrued uninvoiced salesDifference in carrying and tax values of tangible fixed assets *Net provision for mine liquidationOtherTotal
Opening balance 91 915  47 025  409 645  - 71 047  619 632
Acquisition of subsidiaries   -   -   179 077   6 318   6 139   191 534
Amount recognized in the profit or loss 4 603 653 68 447 (318) (3 543) 69 842
Change recognized in other comprehensive income - - - - (5 850) (5 850)
Balance as at 31 December 2015 - 19% rate  96 518  47 678    657 169    6 000  67 793 875 158
Opening balance 96 518  47 678  657 169    6 000   67 793  875 158
Amount recognized in the profit or loss 30 756 1 641 74 890 2 878 (7 357) 102 808
Change recognized in other comprehensive income - - - - 855 855
Balance as at 31 December 2015 - 19% rate  127 274  49 319  732 059  8 878    61 291  978 821

* The differences result from the measurement of tangible fixed assets to fair value as well as differences in depreciation rates.

The Group has no significant unrecognized deferred tax assets and liabilities.