9. Intangible assets

a) 2016

 Research and development expensesGoodwillComputer software, licenses, concessions and patentsEasement rightsCustomer relationsGeological informationTotal
Balance as at 1 January 2016
Cost opening balance 3 893 229 323 416 239 32 906 16 000 13 222 711 583
Accumulated amortization (404) - (187 696) (2 078) (16 000) (129) (206 307)
Impairment loss - (227 517) (5 275) (368) - - (233 160)
Net carrying amount opening balance 3 489 1 806 223 268 30 460   13 093 272 116
Changes in 12 months ended 31 December 2016              
Reclassifications - - 45 529 - - - 45 529
Acquisition 702 - 36 873 13 046 - 27 604 78 225
Disposal (cost) - - (81)   - - (81)
Disposal (accumulated amortization) - - 81 - - - 81
Amortization (426) - (21 563) (1 509)   (527) (24 025)
Impairment loss* -   (766) (443) - - (1 209)
Liquidation (cost) - - (260) - - - (260)
Liquidation (accumulated amortization) - - 260 - - - 260
Other - - 1 223 5 - - 1 228
Other (accumulated amortization) - - (1 226) - - - (1 226)
Balance as at 31 December 2016              
Cost closing balance 4 595 229 323 499 523 45 957 16 000 40 826 836 224
Accumulated amortization (830) - (210 144) (3 587) (16 000) (656) (231 217)
Impairment loss - (227 517) (6 041) (811) - - (234 369)
Net carrying amount closing balance 3 765 1 806 283 338 41 559 - 40 170 370 638

* Information on the results of impairment tests conducted in Q4 2016 and on the respective impairment losses is shown in Note 6. The impairment loss on intangible assets was disclosed under “Impairment loss on non-financial non-current assets” line in the profit or loss.

b) 2015

 Research and development expensesGoodwillComputer software, licenses, concessions and patentsEasement rightsCustomer relationsGeological informationTotal
Balance as at 1 January 2015
Cost opening balance 3 375 229 323 328 933 22 865 16 000 - 600 496
Accumulated amortization (424) - (168 528) (1 258) (13 792) - (184 002)
Impairment loss - (26 315) (218) - - - (26 533)
Net carrying amount opening balance  2 951  203 008  160 187  21 607  2 208  - 389 961
Changes in 12 months ended 31 December 2015            
Reclassifications 38 - 63 003 9 961 - - 73 002
Acquisition - - 20 538 282 - - 20 820
Disposal (cost) (214) - (64) (17) - - (295)
Disposal (accumulated amortization) 214 - 81 - - - 295
Amortization (117) - (19 787) (971) (2 208) (129) (23 212)
Impairment loss - (201 202) (5 057) (368) - - (206 627)
Acquisition of subsidiaries - - 4 979 - - 13 222 18 201
Liquidation (cost) - - (445) - - - (445)
Liquidation (accumulated amortization) - - 430 - - - 430
Other 694 - (705) (185) - - (196)
Other (accumulated amortization) (77) - 108 151 - - 182
Balance as at 31 December 2015              
Cost closing balance 3 893 229 323 416 239 32 906 16 000 13 222 711 583
Accumulated amortization (404) - (187 696) (2 078) (16 000) (129) (206 307)
Impairment loss - (227 517) (5 275) (368) - - (233 160)
Net carrying amount closing balance  3 489 1 806  223 268  30 460  - 13 093  272 116

No collateral has been established on intangible assets.